Project T, Journal Entry 4

Date: 22. 3. 2023

Activity:  Went through walkthrough 3 and 4

Notes: Second time doing scripting is much easier. I have general knowledge how to get to fields, components, etc... However this time around it seems to get a bit much. I guess I just need to get used to using so many different tools. It still seems just like a begining and there are already many tools that we were introduced to. I hope that I dont need to memorize every button and every function of every tools so far. I guess I will be looking a lot into a cheat sheet or smth.

Invested hours: 3 hours

Outcome: Super basic level that should represent that I have used and went through all features mentioned in the walkthroughs.

Files 84 MB
Mar 22, 2023

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It would be nice to have more than just one key to see what you tried.