Journal Entry 2

My intentions were to create a short and challenging level for the game. Added a decent amount of enemies and platforming. Also added teleports that teleport the player to an unexpected location often negating a portion of his/her progression. Sorry if there are any severe design mistakes. I have not slept in 3 days.

Time and place of completion: 00:44 2.3. 2023, Prague Čerchovská 9 120 00

Invested hours: 4 hours (big portion of that was trying to repair 455 errors that appeared after opening up the project, ended up reinstalling Unity which helped...)

Notes: I had no issues with design since it is not too complicated game design that I have made (it takes more time than brain effort). There were issues with Unity, but i guess I can always reinstall everything. Was not sure, how big should the scene be. Hope it is sufficient.

Outcome: Level with a decent amount of teleports, platforming and enemies. Might be nice to add death of the player when outside the playable space.

Mar 01, 2023

Get Project T


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Good job :)

There is an invisible platform right at the start (before the spitting enemy), I'm assuming that's not on purpose? As for the puzzle itself, the automatic teleports are very disorienting, though I suppose in this case that might not be bad.
For the death of player outside of playable space - a very easy way to deal with this is to add hazard - either the acid or spikes, so that when the player falls outside of playable space, they do indeed die and they have a visual reason for it as well.

Take this as food for thought for your next work and assignments. Also I'm sorry to hear that, hope you can find more time for the next assignments, as those will be harder. And you definitely don't need to add an adress to these devlogs (as they are, after all public) :)