Project C, Journal Entry 3

Date: 14.5.2023

Activity: Finishing the game combat system and enemies with basic movement

Gameplay: Mouse and Keyboard needed. There are two weapons a sword that slashes around the player and deals 1 damage and pushes back the enemies a bit. The sword has a 3 sec cooldown. Than there is a gun that also deals 1 damage without cooldown. Zombies have 2 lives just like you. After getting hit you are immune to damage for 3 seconds. Zombies have 1 damage. They deal damage with cratches and biting, therefore collisions. 

Development Notes: I wanted to create a game that has features that showcase that I have acctualy learnt something this semester. I have included UI elements such a timer for working with UI. A bit of animation for the combat system although that is somehow limited since I strugled to find a free assets pack that would include sprites that would fit my game and have sufficient material for animation. I have made a bunch of scripts for prefabs and game objects, the most challenging probably were for aiming and movement of the player. Those were especialy challenging since that is where I started and after that I became more comfortable with the rotation and transformation of top down game objects. 

Invested hours: 15 hour

 Outcome: First version of the full game

Files 23 MB
May 17, 2023

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