Project C, Journal Entry 2

Date: 14.5.2023

Activity: First build with Player and Movement

Issues: The Biggest issue was debbuging. Little details such as the fact that position of the mouse is based on position relative to the pixels on the screen and not the position in the game world are hard to deduce. I have spent too much time trying to debug all of that and ended up having quite a few prints in the code. I like the debugger, however there were issues with breakpoints and debugging because every time I put the breakpoint in the code the mouse position was the same and as I was using 2 screens the values were not making any sense to me. 

Notes: Just as specified in the one page design I wanted to make the player movement similar to movement in a 3d fps. Moving the mouse around the player changes the direction of the movement as well as the aiming. I made scripts for the movement myself. However I took inspiration from the package I am using when I was working with aiming since it was beneficial to use quaterions which is not as intuitive. Movement was simply the case of applying proper goniometric functions and using rigid body add force function to simulate movement as well as fine tuning resistance so that the player slows down.

Invested hours: 7 hour

 Outcome: Basic showcase of the movement of the player

Files 22 MB
May 14, 2023

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